<aside> đź‘‹ TL;DR: This pack works in two ways. The Freelance Dashboard helps you organize all of your freelance information and the Document Generator makes it easy for you to create the legal and business documents you need to run your freelance gigs.


Duplicate link: https://www.notion.so/getboost/Side-Hustle-Notion-Pack-e2ccaf6e3bf643d6b59caf2cebe04c19


Thank you for accessing our Freelance Notion Pack!

We're really glad that you're here, and want to help you run your own freelance gig. We're a company called Boost. Our founder, Nicole, freelanced and ran her own side hustle for years. While she loved what she did, she found running the business side of a side hustle confusing—and at times even downright frustrating. So she founded Boost to help people run the business side of their side hustle with ease.

That's why we created this Notion pack, to help you run your freelance business with ease.

The pack is divided into two main sections: the Freelance Dashboard and the Document Generator. The first section helps you manage your freelance work across projects and clients, and serves as the command center for your work. The second section helps you do all of the boring legal and logistics stuff that people often don't like doing. It has different templates, such as a contract or invoice, that you can create and export to do work with clients.

How to get set up

The Main Idea

This pack is divided into two parts: the Freelance Dashboard and the Document Generator.

Freelance Dashboard

Document Generator

Quick Start Steps

  1. Go to the duplicate link

  2. Duplicate the pack (in the upper right)

  3. Sign in to your Notion account and add the pack to your workspace